The people and places that made Bungonia what it is today
Looking for Bungonia Specific History Archives? They are held in Goulburn Workspace by courtesy of Goulburn Mulwaree Council. Please use our contact form to arrange supervised access. You cannot do it through the council or the library.
Investigation into a potential Heritage Conservation Area
Settlement in the Marulan —Bungonia District
Heritage Study Review | Goulburn Mulwaree Council
The purpose of the document was to review and update previous heritage studies and create the first comprehensive study for the Goulburn Mulwaree local government area. There is an extensive focus on Aboriginal heritage
The Goulburn Mulwaree Archaeological Management Plan (Volume 2)
Document purpose is to assesses the significance and prepare heritage listings for the items of archaeological significance in the local government area.
A new history of cave development at Bungonia, N.S.W
Difficulties with Refractory Ores: History of the Tolwong Mines
Aspects of Gold Mining and Mining Communities in the Shoalhaven Area of New South Wales
A case study of gold mining and settlement in a small area on the New South Wales Southern
Tablelands on the west bank of the Shoalhaven River
Difficulties with Refractory Ores: History of the Tolwong Mines, Shoalhaven Gorge NSW.
A study of the failed Tolwong Mines
Bungonia service personnel 1899-1945: Service details and biography of men and women of the Bungonia district, NSW by Gretel Ayre.
Service Details and Biography Of Men and Women of Bungonia and District NSW Who Served in Defence of Our Country, Boer War and WW1 & WW2