The History of The Bungonia and District Historical Society

The Bungonia and District Historical Society was created in 2000 by a small group of historically minded local Bungonia residents.

Deciding Bungonia should no longer be bypassed and neglected, Moira, Diana, and Anne, the initiators, remain committed and active in the group.

Looking for Bungonia Specific History Archives? They are held in Goulburn Workspace by courtesy of Goulburn Mulwaree Council. Please use our contact form to arrange supervised access. You cannot do it through the council or the library.

Even though it was the first government town on the first road south from the early colony, Bungonia was eventually bypassed when the road transport route shifted westwards to less difficult terrain.

The purpose and activities of The Bungonia and District Historical Society

Our aim is to make people aware of Bungonia's history and encourage understanding of its significance, helping people to engage with our heritage. We meet regularly to share the ongoing activities of preparing publications, answering queries, sorting records, and exchanging information we have discovered.

We attract others to join us in fundraising activities, tours, exhibitions, site tours, and archaeology open days, and participation in State Heritage Festivals.

We are continuing to explore and research the Aboriginal heritage of Bungonia and the wider region and pursuing deeper contacts and engagement with Aboriginal community members.

Fundraising is a constant as our only income is what we can generate plus grant money for projects.

Every year for ANZAC DAY at 10am, we combine with the Community to share a very moving ceremony.

Our restored War Memorial is in the Bungonia Village Park, on the beautiful Crown Reserve 35559. Armistice Day is marked annually here by the ringing of the 3 Village bells and the silence to mark the end of the War.