Bungonia Historical Timeline Of Events

This Bungonia History Timeline of Events provides a snapshot of all the events that have occurred in Bungonia NSW that we are aware of.  Unfortunately there is little we can identify prior to European settlement and if you have events you would like to add, please contact us here...

Looking for Bungonia Specific History Archives? They are held in Goulburn Workspace by courtesy of Goulburn Mulwaree Council. Please use our contact form to arrange supervised access. You cannot do it through the council or the library.

21,000 years BC (approx.) Aboriginal Settlement

1788: Capt. Phillip arrives Botany Bay.

1818: Explorers James Meehan, Charles Throsby and Hamilton Hume reach Bungonia Creek.

1820: Legal occupation permitted by Gov. Macquarie.

1822: First official leases to free settlers issued.

1824:  Alan Cunningham (Botanist) recorded “discovering” the Bungonia caves.

1830-c.1843: Mitchell’s “Great South Road”, progressively opened

1832: First town development. (Originally called Inverary).

1837: The Hope Inn opened.

1841: The Parsonage opened.

1842: The first caves discovered by Europeans.

1847: St Michael's Catholic Church opened.

1866: Catholic School opened.

1882: Public School opened.

1893: Christ Church Anglican church opened.

1907: The Police Station opened although there is evidence to suggest it was built before 1903

1965: The Chatsbury-Bungonia Fire; More...

1973: Public School closed

2002: The Centenary of the Bungonia Progress Association.

2007: The Centenary of the Bungonia Village Hall.